
7 Nov 2009

Glückwünsche an Matthias Ettrich! Dem KDE-Gründer wurde gestern durch Staatssekretärin Almuth Nehring-Venus der Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, oder kurz das Bundesverdienstkreuz. Er erhielt diese Auszeichnung für seinen Einsatz und Beitrag für freie Software, insbesondere natürlich KDE.

Weitere Infos und ein Bild des Gerühmten gibt es auf dem Artikel von dot.KDE.

29 Oct 2009

Es ist soweit! Ein halbes Jahre nach unserm Wolpertinger-kompatiblen Fabelwesen ist heute der Tag des Koalas.

Kubuntu 9.10 bringt nicht nur das aktuelle KDE mit, sondern auch zig neue Anwendungen und Features, eine experimentelle Netbook-Variante und viele Clients und Anbindungen an Social Media-Dienste. Bisschen ausführlicher gibt es die Meldung auf :)

10 Sep 2009

As reader of Planet Ubuntu might now, the nice porgram vrms from the self-named packed shows how (un-)free your system is. Mine:

21:53:49 blizzz@xara:~$ vrms

Non-free packages installed on xara

fglrx-modaliases Identifiers supported by the ATI graphics driver

latex2html LaTeX to HTML translator

nvidia-96-modaliases Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver

6 Sep 2009

My use case is that i use my other computer primarily for watching TV (my notebook overpowers it and i use it with dual screen at home). So, usually i don't need a full blown KDE, but only kdetv as i have an older analog TV card plugged in. Thus, best is to generate a kdetv-only session.

Therefore you need basically two files. The first is .desktop file that populates your session, the second is the script which is being started if you log into it. Let's take a closer look:

4 Sep 2009

Level completed

Submitted by blizzz

When I did my Abitur (~A-Levels) 4 years ago, our motto has been "Level 13: complete", for 13 classes of school. Now, again, I completed another markable level. With yesterdays oral examination I finished my coop study successfully and can call me now Bachelor of Science in Business Information Systems (sounds not so exciting in German, though).

26 Aug 2009

FrOSCon 2009: Quick Review

Submitted by blizzz

As you know, I was at the FrOSCon last week, in first line to keep our Kubuntu booth up and running. On the outward bound i met Eckhart from KDE by chance, which made it quite entertaining.

The first day started with waiting for our booth material, which had some delay, so that it was made out of my Laptop and few CDs I got from ShipIt (all in all we had about 30 to 35 of them only) for about an hour (which was not so bad, however).

14 Aug 2009

KDE shortcut of the day

Submitted by blizzz

Precious in dual screen setups only, however. I found out by chance, that pressing Ctrl+< shifts the current window to the next screen. Isn't it wonderful?

Works in KDE 4.3, don't know about former versions.

Update: I'm sorry! The default setting is None for this shurtcut, which you can confuge in "Global Keyboard Shortcuts", section "Kwin", Key "Window to Next Screen". Obviously, i changed this long long long ago and forgot about it. Nevertheless, the shortcut is cool!

30 Jul 2009

Berlin, Berlin

Submitted by blizzz
That is where i stayed from Monday afternoon until Wednesday night. These have been moving days! I met my exgf, visited some sights i knew and some i did not and decided for a job. In detail, i have had the job interview including some tests on tuesday morning with a company i have had contact for some weeks now. The appointment went really well, thus I got a first positive feedback and since the executive couldn't be in Berlin, they would discuss it by phone and call me eventually.
